In this article we are going to see in detail how to create a blog in less than 5 minutes with our No-Code Blog Builder. Yes, that one with a curious Japanese name 😉
Note: BUROGU “ブログ” means “BLOG” in Japanese. We're big fans of all things Japan, in case you hadn't noticed.
To create a blog with BUROGU.pro you don't need a hosting or server, you don't need to have any technical knowledge, you don’t have to be an SEO expert, and you don't need to install anything at all. You just need a domain (or a website). And the desire to build something BIG.
Building an amazing blog with our platform is EASY and anyone can do it. Let's take a look. But... Hey! What is BUROGU.pro?
What is BUROGU.pro Blog Builder? 🤔
BUROGU.pro is a No-Code blogging platform developed by Ricki (@Ricki_io) and me (@DanielPeris). At first we developed the platform as a proprietary product to speed up and simplify the creation and management of blogs for our products, but eventually we decided to create a public product that anyone can use. We are also entrepreneurs and we cannot stop creating and launching products... 😅

Blogs created with BUROGU.pro are created with SEO (technical and on-page) and performance in mind.
Why create a blog builder when there are already other products that serve the same purpose?
And why not?
Creating things from scratch is a wonderful thing. And you can always do things differently.

We have been using WordPress for +15 years to create and manage blogs. We've built and grown dozens of blogs (we've even sold a few) and wanted to get out of the “comfort zone”.
And finally, we like challenges. We thought “Are we capable of building a blog builder?” and we did it.
IMPORTANT: We are big fans of WP and think it is a SPECTACULAR product.
What makes BUROGU.pro different from other blogging platforms?
Like everything else in life, each platform has its good things and its not-so-good things. We can talk about WordPress, which is what we know best and the king of blog builders.
Yes, WordPress is a spectacular product, but in our opinion it is “complex”. Complex because you have to install (and manage) it on a hosting or server. Complex because you have to install templates, plugins and a long etcetera... Complex because you have to have everything always updated to 100% (to avoid hacks and the like)... And we love simplicity.
BUROGU.pro is very powerful, but SIMPLE.
You don't need a hosting or server, BUROGU.pro takes care of that. You don't need to install plugins or templates, in BUROGU.pro those concepts don't exist. Everything is integrated into the product as standard.
You don't need to be an SEO expert or go crazy with on-page or technical optimizations for performance, BUROGU.pro takes care of that:

We have used PageSpeed (LINK TO THE RESULTS) to measure the performance of this article on Google Chrome extensions marketing.
NOTE: neither we (nor anyone else) can guarantee a perfect PageSpeed score of 100 always. What we can guarantee is that your blogs created on BUROGU.pro will always score very well. And that you won't have to worry about this. We'll take care of it for you.
Some pre-built SEO + WPO features in BUROGU.pro
- Automatic robots.txt file (for domain / subdomain blogs)
- Automatic Schema Markup
- Automatic + dynamic XML Sitemap
- Automatic website optimization (preloads, images, etc.)
Are we saying that BUROGU.pro is better than WordPress? NOT AT ALL. We're just saying that it's much simpler. Are we saying that BUROGU.pro is a possible alternative to WordPress? Yes, we are.
To grow blog traffic and your business you, among other things, have to focus on creating epic content and distributing that content correctly (and getting good backlinks, but we'll talk about that another time). With BUROGU.pro you have that. That's all.
Why choose BUROGU.pro for Blogging
Choosing BUROGU.pro for your blogging is a smart move that sets you (or your business) up for success.
With the super quick setup process you can have your blog up and running in under 5 minutes. So you can focus on content creation not technical setup. Because we think blogging shouldn’t be a headache... And we know that sometimes it can be.
How to build a Blog in less than 5 minutes with BUROGU.pro
OK. You know for a fact that your business (SaaS, startup, service company, whatever...) needs a blog (and believe me, it does). But you wish you could create it yourself. You also know that for some time now the term “No-Code” has been all the rage. Well, congratulations! With BUROGU.pro anyone can create a blog in less than 5 minutes with No-Code.
You just need a BUROGU.pro customer account (obvious) and a website domain (with or without website, this is up to you).
1.- Create your customer account
Registering as a customer on BUROGU.pro is the first step for you to create your blog and this process is extremely simple: Visit this page, register with your email address and, once logged in to the platform, choose the BUROGU.pro plan that best suits your needs.

If you only need one blog, you should choose the “Startup” plan. If you are a marketing agency or have a portfolio of SaaS products, for example, you might want to choose the “Ninja” plan.
Unlike other platforms, we do not limit the number of articles or traffic / pageviews. But we do limit by number of blogs and authors per blog. Do you need more blogs or more authors? Choose a bigger plan.
As the product evolves and we introduce improvements, new features, integrations, etc. it is possible that, although this is currently the case, not all plans will have the same features. We will see this over time.
Use the code “BUR50LAUNCH” at the Stripe checkout page and get 50% off the first year on any of the 3 annual plans.
This discount is only valid until October 31, 2024.
2.- Create your first blog with BUROGU.pro
Now that you have your brand new BUROGU.pro customer account, the next step is to create your first blog. Aren't you thrilled?
Creating your first (or tenth) blog with BUROGU.pro is also extremely easy (ONLY 4 STEPS). As mentioned above, all you need is a website domain. If you don't know what a website domain is, maybe you should read this...
Log in with your account and create a new blog will be the only thing you will be able to do on the dashboard.
1.- Blog name and description

On that screen, type the name for your blog and a brief description. Don't worry, these fields can be changed later.
When you have filled in these fields, click on “Continue”.
2.- Timezone and language code

Time zone and language code are important issues. The former has an impact on the publication times of your posts (and the scheduling of posts) and the latter affects the language in which your blog will be defined. Both can be changed later. For example, you should choose “EN” if English is the main language of your blog or choose “ES” if Spanish is the main language of your blog... In short, choose here the language in which your blog content will be published.
Fill in these fields and click on “Continue”.
3.- Installation type and domain (almost the final step 👏)

IMPORTANT: These CANNOT be change later... So think carefully and calmly before you put anything and then click on “Create blog”.
Installation type
BUROGU.pro offers 2 (or 3) ways to create blogs:
- Domain / Subdomain - examples: https://YOURDOMAIN.com, https://blog.YOURDOMAIN.com > You should choose this option in case you don’t have a website and just want to create a new blog (like this one).
- Folder (subfolder) - example: https://YOURDOMAIN.com/blog/ > You should choose this option in case you already have a website and just want to build a blog on a folder (The BUROGU.pro blog is a great example of this). In case you already have a website, in our opinion and experience this is the best option for SEO purposes.
Depending on the option you choose, in this section you will be asked to enter the domain, subdomain or domain + folder you want to use for your blog.
Click on “Create blog” once you have entered all the information.
And that's it! You have built your first blog with BUROGU.pro. And you've done it in less than 5 minutes. But, don't get excited so soon. There's still one last step to go, which is to connect your domain to your BUROGU.pro blog.
4.- Finish configuration (the final step! 🏋️♂️)
Now it is time to finish the technical configuration of your blog. Don't worry, this is the most technical thing you will have to do with your blog created with BUROGU.pro and you will only have to do it once.
In the BUROGU.pro dashboard and with your blog already created, click on “Finish configuration” at the top.
Depending on the “Installation type” you have chosen, you will have to follow some or other steps to finish configuring your blog. But, in short, if you have chosen blog on domain / subdomain you will have to add an A record in the DNS of your domain (how to do this depends on each domain registrar, please contact them if you need help.). If you have chosen subfolder you will have to install a snippet of code on your web server (Apache / Nginx). If you don't know how to do this you can talk to your hosting or sysadmin to do it for you:

When you have completed the instructions above, click the button to finish installing your blog.
Your blog is now ready.
NOTE: We are already building integrations with the most popular web builders: Shopify, Framer, Wix, Bubble, Carrd, Softr, etc. We will keep you updated!
And what does a blog created with BUROGU.pro look like? The best example of this is our own blog.
Now, it’s time to create epic contents and do MARKETING
We are finalizing the help documents and manuals and preparing content on how to get the most out of BUROGU.pro (Blog marketing, SEO, how to get backlinks, the best complementary tools, etc.). In the meantime, we invite you to explore and investigate the platform (you will see that it is very easy to use, especially if you have previous experience with WP) and to follow us on Twitter / 𝕏 (@BUROGUpro) to be 100% up to date on everything we do.

Now, with your blog already created, it's time to create epic content (at all levels) and market your blog to grow your traffic (and the business it generates).
Having a very good technical and on-page SEO is not going to be enough to get visibility and SEO traffic. For this, you will have to get strong and relevant backlinks for your topic, promote your blog (social networks) and, in short, do many things.
As you can see, it is perfectly possible to create a blog in less than 5 minutes with the No Code BUROGU.pro blog builder. Now, creating a blog is just the first step. Now you have to be very constant and perseverant to make it grow.
BUROGU.pro has just been born and this means that we have a lot of things to do: from content importers from other blogging platforms to integrations with the most popular web builders. And keep improving and optimizing the system... This never ends!
In any case, we are very satisfied with what we have built and we are very proud of it.
We didn't know we were capable of building a blog builder until we did it.
What are you waiting for to create your first blog with our blog builder? SIGN UP
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our platform, want to share a bug, want to partner with us or simply want to chat with us.
PS: Very soon the public roadmap of BUROGU.pro will be available and accessible.
PS2: The default template of all blogs created with BUROGU.pro is based on the Ahrefs blog, one of the best SEO tools out there.