Google Chrome Extension Marketing - The Ultimate Growth (and SEO) Guide

22 min read
How to Market a Google Chrome Extension (and Do SEO for It!)

This content is not about blogging or SaaS, but it’s somehow connected... This content is about online business and how to market (properly) Google Chrome extensions. Something that in my opinion is important to know, since an extension can contribute greatly to the growth of an online business in the form of a blog, in the form of SaaS, in the form of ecommerce, etc.

Besides, knowledge takes no place!

Google Chrome Extension marketing guide
Let’s learn how to market a Chrome Extension (and more)

Google Chrome extensions? 🤔

(Almost) everyone who uses Google Chrome as a regular browser uses extensions on a daily basis. Extensions allow us to streamline certain tasks, optimize how we work, and, ultimately, make our lives a little easier.

In this article we are going to see in detail what a Chrome extension is, real examples, the benefits of having one (or several) and how to do marketing to reach the maximum number of users. Ah! And we are also going to see how to do SEO for a Chrome extension, inside and outside the Chrome Web Store.

Note: YES! You can do SEO for a Google Chrome extension 🤩

Doing SEO for a Chrome Extension
SEO for a Google Chrome extension?

Except for my mistake there are not many people talking about this (I only found this post by Michael Mitrakos)... To my surprise. So let’s rock!

Read on, it's getting interesting.


I am lucky, or unlucky, that I like many things and (I think) I know how to do quite a few different things more or less “well” (“apañao'” as my mother would say in Spanish). But, without a doubt, what I like most of all is to put myself with new things, experiment and LEARN.

Precisely that's what I did in 2018-2019 for my now extinct SaaS TheTool (an ASO -App Store Optimization- SaaS tool). I say “extinct” because I sold it and, despite not having been a super business / exit, I learned a LOT.

TheTool ASO tool homepage screenshot
TheTool homepage screenshot (RIP)

And is that the possibility arose to develop and publish 2 Chrome extensions that, when visiting Google Play Store from a Chrome browser (desktop), greatly facilitated some ASO issues. In a very SIMPLE way, by the way.

It made all the sense in the world that being an ASO tool we would have “satellites” / add-ons related to ASO. What didn't make so much sense, at least at the beginning, is that those extensions would grow to tens of thousands of users and contribute to making our SaaS grew to 30,000€ MRR.

These extensions simply made visible certain information from an app / game listing on Google Play. Information that was available in the HTML code, but, for some strange (or not so strange) reason, was not visible when browsing the Google mobile app store. They did this and painted on screen a nice “Improve your ASO now” button that linked to my SaaS website.

The truth is that the extensions solved a problem and did it for FREE. And they worked well, of course.

They worked so well and they were so simple that ALL the competition copied our extensions... No mercy whatsoever. Internet is like that, my friend...

Now, one thing is to copy (copycat) a product and another very different thing is to copy the DISTRIBUTION.


The key to success of any product, online or offline.


What Is a Google Chrome Extension? Definition

Before we talk about Chrome extension marketing we have to talk about a few other things, to put us 100% in the picture. Things like, for example, what is a Google Chrome extension?

A Google Chrome extension is like a superpower for your browsing. These little tools let you add extra functionality to your browser.

Introduced in 2009, Google Chrome extensions are now a must have for personalizing how we interact with online content, tools, etc. They let you add features which can totally change online efficiency and productivity.

Installing them is as simple as installing a small software program to your browser. Once installed from the Chrome Web Store they add custom features or modify the behavior of webpages.

The Google Chrome Web Store homepage (screenshot)
The Google Chrome Web Store homepage

From ad blockers and password managers to productivity trackers and language translators the world of extensions is full of utilities for every need. They’re a must have for millions of users who want to navigate the web more smoothly.

In short they’re the spark that ignites a more efficient, safer and fun online journey. Small (or not that small) pieces of software.

Some people call Google Chrome extensions “plugins”. This would not be 100% incorrect, although it is not 100% correct either.

From the business point of view, a Chrome extension can be a business per se or a powerful marketing marketing tool. Or both.

Now, let’s see some real examples of Google Chrome extensions.

Examples of Real Chrome Extensions

To really see the magic of Google Chrome extensions in action, let’s take a look at some real examples that have impacted (and helped) users worldwide:


Take your writing to the next level, Grammarly is installed in your browser and gives you advanced grammar, spelling and style suggestions. Whether you’re writing an email or a report, this extension ensures your written communication is perfect.

Take a look at the extension


In the digital age, passwords are a nightmare. LastPass is your password guardian, storing your passwords securely and auto-filling login forms so your online life is secure and stress free.

Take a look at the extension

Adblock Plus

Tired of annoying ads getting in your way of browsing? Adblock Plus gives you a clean, ad-free space. By blocking unwanted ads this extension makes browsing smoother, faster and less cluttered.

Take a look at the extension

Tab Wrangler

Got multiple tasks to juggle? Keeping tabs organized is a challenge. Tab Wrangler closes inactive tabs after a set time, declutters your space and allows you to easily access closed tabs if you need them later.

Take a look at the extension


Looking for a deal? Honey searches the internet for the best coupon codes and applies them automatically when you shop online. This clever extension has saved users millions in discounts, it’s a favorite among deal hunters.

Take a look at the extension

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar

This Chrome extension is a handy SEO assistant for your browser. Personally, I use this extension on a daily basis and it helps me a lot with SEO related tasks.

Take a look at the extension

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar listing on Chrome Store (screenshot)
Ahrefs SEO Toolbar listing on Chrome Store

And there are many more examples of Chrome extensions... Many more!

Buzzsumo, for example, that has been integrated with Google Chrome to help with content discovery and analysis. By giving you detailed insights into the most shared content on social media Buzzsumo lets you track trends, analyse competitors and refine your content strategy. This extension is a must have for marketers and content creators who want to stay ahead in a competitive digital world. Another great example is the bitly extension.

But, that said, there are a LOT of Chrome extensions. I invite you to take a look at the Chrome Store and see for yourself.

Benefits of Developing Chrome Extensions

Developing Chrome extensions opens up a whole world of user engagement and innovation. To which I must also add that, as long as our business allows it and it makes sense, a Chrome extension can be a very powerful marketing tool.

Benefits of Developing Chrome Extensions
Meet the benefits of developing Chrome Extensions

For one, these give you direct access to a massive user base to target specific needs and preferences. That’s huge visibility and market impact.

Much to my regret I'm not going to talk about Chrome extension development. This is not my area and there is already enough content on the Internet about it. For example, this guide or this one.

Google Chrome Extensions as a Business

There are over 137,000 Chrome extensions (source) to choose from, so this digital curious ecosystem is alive and well.

To grow a successful Chrome extension you need to market strategically, focus on user adoption, feedback and continuous improvement. This iterative process keeps you relevant and useful.

You can offer premium features or subscription models within your extension to create additional revenue streams. This will enhance the user experience and keep your business growing and profitable.

Google Chrome Extensions as a Business
Turning a Chrome extension into a subscription business?

Turning a Chrome extension into a subscription business is by no means an easy task. Only a small percentage of available extensions charge users; the vast majority of extensions are FREE.

Using Free Chrome Extensions for Main Product Promotion

In my opinion and experience this is the key to developing and publishing Chrome extensions.

A well designed free Chrome extension can be a powerful way to get your main product in front of more people.

These extensions by offering functionality related to your main product’s value proposition will grab attention, generate interest and engagement from a wider audience. They will get you new users and amplify the impact of your marketing efforts and create a ripple effect of brand awareness.

They can be a mini version of your full product or a “satellite” of it that offers complementary or related functionalities. By offering useful tools users get a taste of what your product can do (or related stuff) and will want to explore more. And this seamless transition will help convert free extension users to loyal customers of your main product.

In short, using free Chrome extensions in your marketing mix creates a web of interaction and customer engagement. By using this channel well your main product will get more visibility, better user experience and growth – proof that digital marketing works.

Some companies (and myself) use this technique to grow their online business.

Finally, adding that having an extension published in the Chrome Web Store allows us to have a nice backlink from

A nice SEO backlink from the Google Chrome Web Store [Ahrefs]
A nice SEO backlink from the Chrome Web Store -Google- [Ahrefs]

Key Features of Successful Chrome Extensions

Great Chrome extensions integrate seamlessly, focus on UI, and are EASY TO USE. They succeed when they solve a specific need, pack a punch into a small, handy tool that users can’t live without.

To stay ahead of the competition Chrome extensions need to have a “wow” factor. That’s where unique functionality comes in. Timely updates that improve performance and add new features can turn casual users into evangelists and drive organic growth through word of mouth, user reviews and more...

UI (User Interface)

A user friendly interface is the foundation of a great Chrome extension, making it easy to use and enjoyable.

  1. Intuitive Design: Make your design clean and simple, guide the user.
  2. Consistent Layout: Keep it uniform across features to avoid user confusion.
  3. Accessible Navigation: Simplify access to main features to keep the user engaged.

An interface that makes functionality simple and fun can turn casual users into super fans.

Ahrefs Chrome extension UI screenshot
Ahrefs Chrome extension UI

Seamless Integration

Blending in with existing workflows is key to mass adoption and user happiness.

Technology has changed a lot, and users expect tools to integrate with existing apps, workflows and systems.

When your Chrome extension fits into a user’s daily routine it becomes indispensable. This integration boosts productivity and overall user experience, gets user loyalty.

Invest in robust APIs and compatibility features to support multiple functionality. Integrate with popular tools like Google Workspace, Notion, Airtable, productivity apps and other platforms users use daily.

Integration in is the secret to an extension users will not only use but also evangelize.

Ahrefs extension Google SERP integration screenshot
Ahrefs extension Google SERP integration

Regular Updates

Keeping your Chrome extension up to date is CRUCIAL.

Regular updates show you care about quality and keep up with the latest web technologies (and website layout changes...) and security standards. Users love extensions that evolve and address new problems quickly and keep their trust and happiness.

Just as important, updates allow you to introduce new features. Stay ahead by using user feedback, adding features that improve the user experience and reinforce the value proposition of your Chrome extension.

Regularly updates show you care about quality and build a strong reputation in the market. This maintenance and improvement mindset tells potential users your extension is a solid and forward thinking tool and will give them confidence and drive adoption.

Adding Value + Solving Problems (PRODUCT)

The heart of any great Chrome extension is adding value and solving specific user problems.

  1. User Needs: Do market research to understand user pain points.
  2. Unique Features: Create features that make your extension different from others.
  3. Blend In: Make sure your extension fits into users’ existing workflows.
  4. UI: Prioritize user friendly design.
  5. Feedback: Collect and implement user feedback regularly.

Solving real problems gets you a loyal user base.

When an extension is indispensable users will promote it.

Building a Marketing Strategy for Chrome Extensions

So you want to market and grow a Google Chrome extension? First you need to plan and know your audience and their needs, something smart marketers are good at.

Chrome extension marketing strategy
Building a Marketing Strategy for Chrome Extensions

First map out your objectives for your extension. What are your goals and how will you measure success? Create a roadmap with milestones like user acquisition targets, engagement metrics and revenue goals.

Then use a multi-channel approach to reach your audience. Use SEO (I will go into more detail on this subject later on), content marketing, social media and email marketing to get visibility. Collaborate with influencers / content creators and tech blogs to get the buzz and credibility.

And don’t forget data driven decisions. Track visibility, user engagement, reviews and feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly. This way your extension will stay in tune with changing user needs and will be relevant and successful.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Who are your users and how will understanding them help your Google Chrome extension succeed?

In 2016 Digital Marketing, a leading industry publication, said that niche extensions perform really well. By targeting specific user groups and their needs, you can build better solutions.

Identifying Chrome Extension Target Audience (people)
Identifying Chrome Extension Target Audience

So it’s not just about building an extension, it’s about aligning your extension’s features to the exact needs and wants of the people you’re serving. That means your Google Chrome extension will be valuable.

To get and keep this audience, do market research. Define your user demographics, identify pain points and talk to your potential users. Use surveys, social media and user testing to get feedback.

Knowing your users is the foundation of any marketing strategy so your extension will hit the right people.

Ultimate Guide (REALLY) on SEO for Google Chrome Extensions

To rank inside and outside the Chrome Web Store, you need to do SEO for your Chrome extension. This means optimizing your extension’s visibility on search engines and in the Chrome Web Store itself to get more organic traffic, downloads and users.

SEO (and visibility) inside Chrome Web Store [ASO?]

Google Chrome extensions can get visibility and downloads in Google's extension marketplace. They can also achieve the same outside the store -in the Google SERPs-, but I'll tell you about that later.

How? Well, through being featured in the store (this is mostly achieved by the big extensions on the front page of the store and in the Chrome Web Store categories) and through SEARCH (SEO).

Related | How to get featured on Google Chrome store (DragApp)

Yes, people search for “stuff” (extensions) in the Chrome Web Store.

Chrome Web Store search results screenshot
Chrome Web Store search results page

Clearly, these are SOFTWARE-related searches, not informational or transactional searches. They are searches that aim to find software in the form of extensions that allow users to do a particular thing in the Chrome browser.

And if people search... You can do SEO. The thing is... How do you do SEO within the Chrome Web Store?

Before I delve further into this topic, let me tell you one thing: in order to publish and promote an extension in Chrome Web Store you need to register a Chrome developer account (which if I'm not mistaken it costs $5). This will give you access to (🥁):

Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard

Which is nothing more and nothing less than the tool from which it is possible to publish Chrome extensions to make them available for download in the Chrome Web Store, and manage them.

CURIOSITY: Chrome's developer console, Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard (what a long name...), has things in common with the Play Store developer console (Google Play Console, the tool from which mobile apps are published on Google Play). It's so similar that they've even snuck a “Play Store” into the tool:

“Play Store” string in the Chrome developer console
What's a “Play Store” string doing here? 🤔

From this tool (here you have more info) you can publish and update extensions, see user ratings, view installations and active users, monitor the visibility of the extension in the Chrome Web Store itself and more:

Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard stats screenshot
Chrome Web Store Developer Dashboard stats

And now let's get to the interesting part

Before we go on, I'll let you in on a “secret”: when an extension is published in the Chrome Web Store, a public URL is generated for it.

Example: (this is an extension of mine, which returns to Google search results the number of indexed pages for any domain. You can install it and give it 5 stars - don't be shy!

This URL, which is public and indexes in Google, is the listing of the extension. This listing, among other things, will be what allows us to rank a Chrome extension in the Chrome Web Store (and outside!)

All of the following elements, some of which can be edited in the developer console, are displayed in the listing of an extension:

  • Title of the extension (to be filled in the manifest.json file of the extension package - here called “name”) - Limit: 75 char (more info about Title) per language
  • Extension summary (filled in the manifest.json file of the extension package - here it is called “description”) - Limit: 132 char (more info about Summary / description) per language
  • Description (to be filled in the dev console) - Limit: 16,000 char per language
  • Category (to be filled in the dev. console)
  • Graphic resources (to be filled in the dev console) - Icon, screenshots, images, video...
  • Promotional video (to be filled in the dev console)

Link to Google's documentation on manifest.json files for Chrome extension packages: LINK

Except for the title and summary, which must be edited before uploading the extension package, all other items can (and should) be edited in the developer console.

These are the on-page SEO factors in the Chrome Web Store. We will have to use them intelligently to rank and stand out in Chrome Web Store. You call this METADATA.

HOW? By using attractive and descriptive visual elements / graphics (to increase CTR in Chrome Web Store) and using the right keywords in the different text fields. Let me give you a very quick and very silly example: If you have an extension that translates Google Docs content with AI, the title of the extension (and the rest of the text fields) in the English language should contain something similar to “Google Docs AI translator”... Sorry, this is the first example that came to my mind.

The off-page SEO factors inside the Chrome Web Store are (in my experience and opinion): downloads, active users, reviews, ratings... Very, very similar to the off-metadata ASO factors in Google Play Store. What a coincidence...! PRODUCT + MARKETING.

In short, by taking care and optimizing the on and off-metadata SEO factors of a Chrome extension it is possible to increase its visibility, downloads and usage.

SEO in Chrome Web Store and ASO (App Store Optimization) in Google Play Store are first cousins.

Remember the extension I just told you about? Its Chrome Web Store listing looks like this:

An example of a Chrome extension (screenshot)
An example of a Chrome extension

You can see the title, description, screenshots, icon, ratings, reviews, etc.

And this is what it looks like in Google SERPs:

A Chrome extension in the Google SERPs (screenshot)
A Chrome extension in the Google SERPs

Now I'll tell you another secret (🤫): by doing SEO for the Chrome Web Store, indirectly (or not so indirectly) we are -in part- doing SEO for a Chrome extension on Google 😱

SEO (and visibility) outside Chrome Web Store - Google SEO

I mentioned above that a Google Chrome extension has a unique URL, accessible and indexable by Google (the same happens with mobile apps available on the Play Store), and if it can be indexed in Google, it can also rank in Google. No? Let's see.

Maybe you know this Chrome extension for email tracking. It is a very popular extension (2M+ users) made in Spain 🇪🇸

Let's enter its public URL in the Ahrefs tool, and see what happens...

Chrome extension SEO visibility on Google [Ahrefs screenshot]
Chrome extension SEO visibility on Google [Ahrefs]

Wow! This Chrome extension has visibility (and gets clicks) on Google (OUTSIDE Chrome Web Store) 🏋️‍♂

Hmmmmm... And this not only happens with this extension, it happens with all of them that have optimized their Chrome Store listing, have activity and good feedback (reviews, ratings) from users / customers, and.... They get backlinks from other websites! (The concept of “link building for Chrome extensions” excites me).

That is, doing SEO for Chrome Web Store and doing some “traditional SEO” (marketing + link building) we can get a Chrome extension to get visibility in Google search results (almost only desktop -Google is NOT stupid-) and, therefore, get downloads and users.

Connect the dots...

How to get backlinks for a Chrome Extension:

  • From your own website (alternatively you can create a new website just for the extension)
  • From product launch websites
  • From software directories
  • From Startup websites
  • Guest posting
  • From “Best Google Chrome Extensions for XXX” articles out there (write and ask, come on!)
  • Creativity: this is up to you 😜

Social Media

Use social media to get downloads, and promote awareness and user engagement for your Google Chrome extension.

Using Social Media for Chrome Store Marketing
Social Media for Chrome Store Marketing

With targeted posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram you can showcase the features and benefits of your Chrome extension. These platforms are a traffic source and a great way to create a ripple effect and get users to share their experience.

Use eye catching visuals and compelling stories to grab and hold the attention of potential users. Use social media analytics to see how individual posts and campaigns are performing and refine your strategy based on real time feedback.

Creating Content That Grabs

Creating content is key nowadays IMO.

Your content should inform and inspire. When users get value and motivation from your posts they will engage and share your content more, and therefore amplify your reach. Focus on the unique selling points of your Chrome extension, how it solves a problem or enhances the user experience.

Content creation for Chrome extension growth (a rocket)
Content creation for Chrome extension growth

Tell your audience through storytelling - use real life examples and results to show how your extension makes a real difference. User testimonials, case studies and success stories will help to back up the benefits and credibility of your extension.

To increase engagement, vary your content across blog posts, videos, infographics and webinars. Each format caters to different audience preferences and gets your extension in front of more people.

By producing great content consistently you build a long term relationship with your audience and make your Chrome extension a must have in their digital toolbox.

Influencer / Content Creators Collaborations

Collaborating with influencers and content creators can supercharge your outreach. These collaborations can put your extension in front of targeted, highly engaged people.

To do these partnerships you need to find creators in your niche. Engage with influencers whose content aligns with your extension’s value proposition, build a real connection.

Once you found suitable influencers, propose collaborations that are mutually beneficial with authentic product reviews, tutorials and endorsements. By showcasing influencers’ real experience with your extension you leverage their credibility, authenticity and reach.

Influencer / Content Creators Collaborations
Influencer / Content Creators Collaborations for Chrome extensions growth

This will result in more downloads and exposure for your extension as fans will trust their favorite creators more. Monitor the KPIs of these collaborations and adjust your strategy to maximize results.

Email Campaigns

Get personal.

Email is one of the best ways to promote your Google Chrome extension. You can reach your audience directly, have personalized interactions and build deeper relationships. It’s also a great way to showcase new features, updates and tips to keep your audience engaged.

Start by building your list.

Segment your list by user behavior and preferences to target your messages. As you run your campaigns educate your users about the value proposition of your extension.

Write great subject lines.

Your message should be clear, concise and relevant to your audience. Use analytics to track open rates, click through rates and user engagement to iterate.

And finally, deliver value in every email so your recipients get tangible benefits. This will not only keep your users but also get positive word of mouth and grow your Chrome extension.

Paid Advertising

Going paid can take your Google Chrome extension to new levels (or not 🤣). By setting a budget for targeted ads you can grab users attention fast and effective.

These platforms allow for precise targeting so your extension reaches the right people. Write ad copy that highlights your extension’s unique benefits and you’ll get more interest and conversions.

Apart from Google Ads, you can try other advertising channels too. Social media channels like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram have robust advertising tools that allow for audience segmentation, messaging and analysis to optimize your campaigns.

Note: I’m not a big fan of paid ads...


I am a big fan of Chrome extensions. I think they have a lot of potential to build businesses and to grow businesses.

Now you know, more or less, how to market a Google Chrome extension and you have discovered that SEO also exists within the Chrome Web Store and that you can do SEO for an extension outside of the extension marketplace (in Google).

Finally, note that ANYTHING you do in terms of marketing to get downloads of a Chrome extension will have an impact on SEO in the Chrome Store (and growth / business in general): the more downloads, the more users, the more chances to get reviews / ratings, the more business or the more potential customers for your main product.

What did you think of the content? If you liked it, please share it on social media or in your newsletter, if you have one.

SEO is everywhere...

PS: Have you seen how fast this blog loads and how clean it is? It is the blog and it has been built with, a new No-Code SEO ready blog builder. I invite you to try it out!